Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day 226: Cold Medicine?

I have been a bit under the weather and rundown from a cold the past few days, and the slightly rough part is that I'm uncomfortable with taking any cold medicine that contains alcohol.  I've taken some non-alcohol stuff and it just really hasn't helped too much.  I have responded well to Nyquil in the (boozy) past and I'm wishing I could take it now, but I'm scared of how it might affect me or if it would flip the tiniest of switches in my head and turn me toward drinking sooner or later.  I don't want to underestimate the potential for this to happen.  How sad would it be to start drinking again after taking little ole Nyquil??  I am trying not to have any illusions about anything and anticipate as much as possible.  Anyone ever have experience with this?  Still happy to not be drinking.  Happy November to all with much love.


  1. I like Nyquil but when I was sick I really never craved wine. So I didn't equivocate Nyquil with alcohol. I know it has some but I don't have experience with it feeling like a trigger. If you "think" it could be a trigger, then I guess I would stay away from it and grab the Mentholatum rub, a hot bath and tea! Hope you feel better soon!!

    1. Even when I was sick, I would want to drink...ugh! It seems so lame to be "afraid" of Nyquil, and yet I feel like I can't be too careful. I am doing better today :). Thanks as always, HD!
