Friday, October 21, 2016

Day 215: 7 Months

Seven months today. I feel like a person again. It's such a breath of relief in my soul. How did I ever get so lost inside of alcohol? I never want to go there again. It was mindless, obsessive, reckless, false, and unproductive all at once. If I drink again, I feel that I would slip back there. I can see it. Proud of myself today. Never cocky though. I have a long way to go before I truly find peace. I am so much happier with myself now. Not drinking has gotten so much more comfortable for me as well. I am thankful for today. Much love always.


  1. Happy 7 Months!
    I know if I drank again, I'd be back to the dark days again.
    It is so much better not drinking.

  2. It really, truly is! Thank you for your continued support! :)<3
