Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Day 72: The Ghost of Drinking Future
Monday, May 30, 2016
Day 71: Pain and Peace
This day runs deep in my heart but I find hope, love, and great comfort in my family. I am so thankful to spend time together, visit the cemetery, walk along the river, lay our son down to sleep, and see the sun setting. All of this experienced without alcohol and so much of it owing to this fact. I see no end in sight to not drinking and instead of feeling dread or anxiety, I feel relief, strength, and gratitude in the vast opportunity of life.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Day 70: Honoring Loss
As far as urges or triggers, I've had a variety of different movements along the craving spectrum, but really nothing too intense, and certainly nothing that seriously made me consider drinking. I don't want to do that at all. Any brief thoughts of wanting to drink seem to get crushed by bigger thoughts of knowing it wouldn't just be one and that it would solve nothing and in fact only make things worse. It isn't even really purposeful- I think my brain is just learning to respond to itself and I don't have to try too hard to "fight" the boozy voice. Day 70. It really is starting to feel real now. Much love to you.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Day 69: Blessed
Such a tough day but the love of my family brings me so much comfort. Time together laughing, walking, playing, cooking, singing, just enjoying each other's presence and cherishing one another. I thought about my dad all day. I miss him all the time and I cried so hard for the loss of him. I think about how much he loved being a parent and that I am the exact same way. I realized that it being a holiday weekend and also the year anniversary of his death, I would normally have been drinking heavier than usual. It makes me so thankful to not be drinking any longer. I am free from that prison. I am blessed beyond belief and long to hold onto every single moment. Much love and support to all this weekend.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Day 68: Bittersweet
I've also found peace with the sobriety counter puzzle I'd been trying to solve. I felt weird saying I was, for example, 60 days sober, if it was only Day 60 (thus not a full 60 days...only 59 and 1/2, etc). It's like I wanted to ensure that I was obsessively honest about my amount of sober time...I mean, who knows, maybe that Day 60 I would go off the deep end and go to the liquor store that evening, thus never making my true 60 days? And so, this type of overthinking has finally led me to officially being cool with being a Day XX gal. It's just easier and less mental energy to say "I'm on Day 68" versus "I'm on Day 68, so technically I only have 67 days sober, but I seriously doubt I'll have a drink or go on a bender this evening, but you never know, and one day at a time, and.."AHHH! :)
Happy Friday to all. It is the start of a long holiday weekend here. For a moment while I was doing the dishes I had a sigh of huh, no drinking this weekend. It was 7:30am- you never do know when those urges will come. It was a little mournful. Then, as has been the case, the sober part of my brain came in and said, you know, it lies. The alcohol lies. You don't need it and it will never be just one and the weekend is going to kick butt because you will be with your lovely family. And then I didn't want to drink. It was so nice. Mrs. D talked a lot about retraining your brain, and I think I've begun to successfully do this.
So, this long weekend is quite a bittersweet one. I am so, so looking forward to having an extra day with my husband at home. We are going to love being together with our little man and little dog. No plans to go anywhere, no racing to be a certain place at a certain time, nothing like that. Very rare, normally we would need to be doing that as part of a holiday or occasion. Not that it isn't great seeing family, because it truly is....but sometimes time with just ourselves gets a bit squeezed out. So yes, very much looking forward to this time together.
The tough part of the weekend is that it's the one year anniversary of my dad's death. It has been very tough coping with this loss, as you know. I am extremely emotional about it and the grief has by far been my biggest trigger. I get to thinking who cares, it hurts so much, drinking is meaningless compared to a loss like this. Which is completely faulty thinking, I know. It's just how it begins for me. I'm feeling strong right now, but you and I both know how quickly that can change. So please do wish me well.
One last thing- I haven't been writing as much about my grief because I have wanted to refocus this blog back to the whole point of me starting it: to document my journey of stopping drinking. I just like including feelings about the loss because I have not found much at all written about the relationship between getting sober and dealing with death. It is also very healing to write about it. Much love.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Day 67: Sober Eyes
I think SoberMummy spoke about the heaviness around being called an alcoholic, particularly for a mother. I think this is why I don't want to be labeled that. I have been a mother for such a short period of time, and I don't want to be labelled an alcoholic mom. That makes me feel so, so down. It's like, if you are an alcoholic, you are an alcoholic whether you are drinking or you're not drinking. Plus, you are an alcoholic for LIFE. It's like a neon sign flashing above you whenever you are asked if you want a drink or are in some boozy situation- ALCOHOLIC!! ALCOHOLIC!! I guess some people say recovering alcoholic, or reformed, or what not. I would like to continue thinking that I am not alcoholic- I am a non-drinker. This is a Jason Vale thing, if I remember. Is it a cop out? Who knows? Who cares? It's my life. As long as I'm not drinking I feel like I'm entitled to call myself whatever the heck I want. There is so much more to me than just drinking too much, or stopping drinking too much.
You know, I just thought of something else. A while back, I stopped smoking pot, stopped smoking cigarettes, stopped doing other teenage drug things, and I don't consider myself to be a potoholic, cigaretteoholic, drugoholic. I am just someone who doesn't do those things. I don't think of myself as an addict, or ex-addict, or ex-smoker. This is also a little Jason Vale-y. But I have complete comfort in just saying I don't do that. So I want to lump alcohol in there, too. I just don't do it. And it's very cool.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Each Day Is Real
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
It Has Not Been Easy!!!
Warning: Weird Self-Grading Post Within
Saturday, May 21, 2016
So This is Real Life..
Hello out there. Lazing now after such a big day. Not too much energy to share anything very significant. Just wanted to say I feel good. Glad to not be drinking. It ended up that nobody was drinking while we were at the bridal shower (except for one lone dude) and I didn't even have time to think it until pretty much right now. The high energy and emotional aspect of the day was very distracting and certainly would have led me to imbibe upon arriving home after getting our guy to sleep. Probably more than usual because of everything from today. Then sleep and feeling crummy tomorrow. I really do love my new normal. Removing alcohol from the equation has been so, so good. No more dependence on it. No more obsessing about it. I know I write about it but I really don't think about it much at all, and certainly not much in relation to wanting to drink. I still have urges, but they haven't been intense and definitely haven't been anything I would act on. Yes, this new normal is good. It feels like real life. Please let it continue.
Friday, May 20, 2016
60 Days
I got a chocolate croissant for breakfast as a special treat, and I have a cold ginger beer in the fridge for tonight. It's so nice getting sober treats! I used to spend so much on alcohol! Now I get flowers, chocolate, fizzy drinks, a pair of shoes, whatever- anything and everything is better than booze.
When I started out, I wanted to do Belle's 100 Day Challenge, but as the days progressed, I realized what I really wanted to do was stop drinking for good. Stop the almost daily/often mindless drinking; stop the headaches; stop the lack of self-respect; stop unhealthy behavior; stop the escapism; stop the overemotional indulgence; just stop! Drinking has been connected with my life for a long time. It has been an adjustment letting that aspect of existence go. Really, when I stopped on 3/21, I felt like it was the right time and right moment. The sober stars aligned, if you will. I hope they stay in that pattern and I continue with this because it is such a good thing for me, my family, and my life.
I love Mrs. D's perspective and honesty about her experience. She really was an inspiration for me, and continues to be. Her steady, "determined" drinking habit didn't quite feel crazy/over-the-top (no DUIs, no blackouts, no abusive behavior, etc), but she knew in her heart how dysfunctional it was and that it was getting worse. The longer she went without drinking, the more she was able to get in touch with herself. She found that she had been avoiding emotions with drinking, something she'd never realized while boozing. I completely relate to all of that.
Happy Friday to all and much love and support to every single person rolling along in their own journey toward getting sober or maintaining sobriety! <3
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Boozeless Shower
I look forward to....being with my husband and son completely alcohol-free and enjoying the time together clear-headed; driving completely sober (it's a bit of a hike..maybe 2 hours driving or so, plus I think it's supposed to rain); being clear-headed around my in-laws; celebrating without thinking about alcohol (when to drink, how much, if I should, etc); just being a clearer version of myself- anxieties, awkwardness, and all! Yes, the awkwardness will be there..I'm almost positive. But that's normal for so many people, probably many of the people that will be in attendance, and drinking definitely doesn't really help that. It maybe smoothes things..loosens the old lips a bit, but I don't want that to be how I behave. I want to be a more together, stable, mature version of myself. I hope I am able to project that with confidence and ease (we'll see..).
Some of the things I plan to do if for any reason I have any cravings or yearnings to "escape" with some booze....write a quick blog post, go on Living Sober and share how I feel (such a truly great website with people who respond very quickly on the community forum, particularly if someone mentions they are having a tough time- so supportive!), be near my husband and son, tell my husband how I feel, talk about things in the car on the way to or way home, and of course, have some awesome AF drinks! Mainly soda. I don't love drinking soda because it's such a weird drink, but hey, it's bubbly and sugary and caffeine-y, so bring it on. I am thinking it might be a good idea to get a super-fun drink for the ride there, like maybe a Red Bull (crazy) or a homemade lemony seltzer for the road (better idea)..something good. Then maybe by the time I get there I will just want some water anyway. Not to get ahead of myself, but I don't anticipate wanting to drink. I just don't want to at all, so that makes it easy (?!). We'll see how it goes.
Anyway, so far, so good today. Much love.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Kindred Spirits
Had a wonderful day with my little guy. He has such a big heart. I love being around him. At one point while he was playing, I made small presents for each of my bereavement group members because tonight was our final meeting. It was a beautiful last gathering. I was thinking that AA is a support group as well. It is such a cool thing to be able to go be with your people/tribe/kindred spirits for a time, when you need it most or just to stay afloat. I haven't been to an AA meeting in a little while now and for some reason lately I've been having an urge to attend one. I don't quite know why. I don't feel like drinking at all...very much the opposite. I have absolutely loved not drinking. I guess maybe the meetings help keep this real, keep the fact that I want to continue living an alcohol-free life a reality. Other things help too, like writing in my blog, talking with my husband. I'm feeling good approaching my 60 days and I guess I just want to stay that way. Maybe I'm being protective of my sobriety. I wonder if that makes sense. It helps being around others in person who are on their own journey of stopping drinking. Anyway, much love to all out there, wherever you may be.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
I Love It
Another day and night coming to a close. It is Day 58. Is this forever? Will this be the only Day 58 I'll ever have? I am at the point where I think, "I hope so". I like that thought. I like not drinking. I really do. That is so cool. And the day count is starting to have the feeling of a little weight behind it, in my head. A wee bit of weight. It is starting to feel really real and also very, very comfortable. It's something I want to keep doing. I am proud of this time. I like the current zone I'm in, because there is a little bit of comedy, a little bit of tragedy, and overall a bit of poetry in this whole process, for me anyway. I love it.
Hi Diddly Ho!
Monday, May 16, 2016
Authentic Voice
Been super distracted with fantasies of moving and also had some rough patches in the day, but as they occured I had no desire or urge to drink. I didn't think of it at all until some point when I had a random thought that drinking does not help in any real way. It's funny how used to drinking I had gotten, because before it would be a no brainer- have a drink to soothe the ole problems. Instead, I cried a little, breathed, talked with my husband, tended to my tiny man, hung out with my little dog, took a beautiful walk at the park with everyone, and things just got better. Sometimes I have weirdo thoughts and talking them out with my husband gives me perspective and I see how cuckoo they really are..or see the validity in them..or both. I am finding a more honest and open voice when it comes to communicating, at least with my husband. We have always been a couple that clicks and just gets each other (grateful every day for that), but I feel like I've been a little more upfront with him lately, and that I've been able to explain how I think or feel in more effective ways. It is so awesome. I wonder if it has to do with not drinking? Much love to all.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Rolling Along
Solid day with a whiff here and there of drinking in the future but truly no desire for drinking today. Feels so wonderful not drinking. I love it. 60 days will happen this coming week. I am doing this.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Tonight I Believe
Saturday night and no dreams of drinking. Sun and storm mix through the sky. The wind is a rhythm. I am blessed and thankful to be alive and I miss my dad more than anything.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Future Cravings?
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Mental Note: I Don't Drink Anymore!
Today is Wednesday. It's not even a weekend day and in times past I would have absolutely allowed myself to have a couple of drinks on a Wednesday evening. Today I have no inclination to do that. Even with bereavement class tonight, it is just so awesome for my new normal to be not drinking as opposed to drinking. I cannot say enough about that. It feels so good.
Lately my husband and I have been getting really down about the area we live in. Slowly but surely it's been chipping away at both of us. There is a lot of good around the city, but so much hostility and sadness too. We dream of moving and last night I found myself thinking of a new area and wanting to drink in the new area (for some reason). It just popped into my brain and I thought, "Hmm, the new area may have a wine culture surrounding it..that would be fun...going to wineries.." It was weird, it's like I forgot I don't drink anymore. When I "remembered", I had sort of a woe is me moment, like, "Gee, that's a drag..why can't I have a drink in a new area? What a bummer not to be able to go to wineries. They are so fun and beautiful...not being able to have a drink sounds like such a shame.."
Then I remembered my full story: There is no "a drink"! It's an illusion! And I began to let that sink in more and realized how cool it would be continuing to NOT drink. Much cooler than initially enjoying a drink or two, then it spiraling into what it used to be, which I am sure it would. That would really be so much more invigorating, a better way to maintain and enhance my self-respect, and a better way to keep existing. Who needs wine to enjoy a beautiful setting? It is completely meaningless and for me, only leads to darkness instead of light. To maintain not drinking seems more and more appealing the longer it is a reality for me. The tide is shifting on that, because before, it felt like drinking "at some point" was more appealing. I am feeling very glad that these cravings or momentary lapses of memory are pretty infrequent and absolutely not strong at all. I am still adjusting. Who needs to live in a boozy culture, anyway! Our culture is already boozy enough without living in a town that prides itself on its wineries or breweries or what have you. Wishing all well who may be reading this, whatever your struggle may be.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Peace to the Beast
I also think some of the things I've gotten angry at have been "safe" things to be mad about. Like tripping on the stairs or something. I might get super upset about that (doesn't last long, but really sours my day and puts me in a "poor me" mood)......but my anger about my dad's suffering at the end of his days and the way some of the providers treated him, that doesn't come out as anger, it just comes out as depression/sadness. I don't know if that's an accurate thought, but I suspect there's something to it. Anyway, happy Tuesday to all :). Not Angry Tuesday, Happy Tuesday! :)
Monday, May 9, 2016
Day 50
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Mother's Day
Hello out there. Such a busy day. Very good times spent with family. We are always go-go-going on a holiday and it sometimes seems to slip by. It's a little tough but still very good to be with everyone. Feeling super not drinking. Good conversation with my husband about drinking and my dysfunction surrounding it. Home now with our tiny guy tucked in upstairs and our tiny dog tucked between us on the couch. Happy Mother's Day to all Moms with much love.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Full of Love
What an awesome day. Attended our buddy's MFA show and then a crowded reception with some hip folks and bubbly flowing. I truly enjoyed not drinking. It was great. Our little guy was so good throughout. Beautiful evening outside for our family walk. Then I made a quiche for Mother's Day and here I am writing. I feel so happy to not be drinking. I feel like a real mother and a real person. It is amazing. I miss my dad so much. He would be so proud. I was calm and open and loving today. I am communicating well with my husband about different things and we are really connecting. Very thankful for it all.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Thank You
Just a last calm sigh as the day comes to a close. Certain things felt big and other things felt small today. I feel like I had a growing perspective throughout the day. A day of trusting, waiting, listening. Not pushing too hard. Not too much pressure. And no drinking, no missing drinking, nothing like that. Time with my beautiful family. Thank you God, if you exist. Thank you to whatever God is.
Beautiful Quiet Rainy Friday
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Doomed to Rage??
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Weird day, weird night. I was angry today. I hate feeling that way. I just hate it so much. However, no drinking. No desire at all that I can remember. If any urge happened, it was extremely brief and fleeting. Had a good conversation about alcohol with my husband earlier while we cooked dinner. I went to the gym tonight and ran on the treadmill. I hoped it would help alleviate my anger. It was pretty awesome. I have never been a runner but maybe now. Never thought I'd be a non-drinker but here I am. You never know. Bereavement class and someone used the expression "new normal". I found that odd and fitting. Definitely in regards to the loss of a loved one, but also with not drinking, as I had used that exact saying in an earlier post today after thinking on that notion for the past few days. Cardinals also came up this evening. Someone mentioned them as a good sign. I had seen two cardinals this afternoon and had thought of my dad. That was so nice. I think of him all the time. When I close my eyes to sleep, the darkest images often awaken. It is so hard. No drinking though. It doesn't even matter. It is unnecessary. Sorry this post is so random. I'm a little all over the place. Maybe one day I will just be someone who used to drink. It will just be casual, like, oh yeah, I drank a long time ago. I stopped years ago. Time will tell.
New Normal
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
100th Post!
Monday, May 2, 2016
Not Today
Had a bunch of moments today that just felt right. Not a perfect day, but I had some good, mindful times throughout. Some days just slip by. Sometimes that's good. The sober days continue rolling and I lose count. I know I'm moving along towards 50. Will I ever drink again? I truly don't know. Sometimes I am haunted by "you will...of course you will." If only it were as easy as "you won't...of course you won't." I have no idea when drinking, or getting messed up in any way, became such a thing. I guess immediately, right from the start, for me. With alcohol, I am learning the depth of two small words that my wise sober comrade UnTipsy Teacher shared: not today. That is all, just not today. That is all I need. Such pressures I can pile on! Such angst. Who needs that. Just beautiful brief moments of not today.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Waves of May
Today it is May. A brand new month begun sober. I did not drink the entire month of April. Feels damn good. May is going to be hard. Hopefully not for drinking, but absolutely for grieving. All one can do is their best.