Thursday, May 5, 2016

Doomed to Rage??

Errrrg, something is wrong.  I have some serious anger that isn't going away.  It's such a secret, too.  Most people truly would never know.  I need to get to the bottom of things.  I try not to but I just have tiny explosions around the house.  Only the dog knows.  And my son, although I really do try to unleash my little ragey demon in another room.  I feel like such a monster.  It comes from such small stuff.  Not every little thing, but it's unpredictable.  I absolutely despise it!!! I never thought of myself as an angry person- never!  Have I just never effectively released anger my whole life, and now it's just leaking out in unhealthy ways?  Is it more to do with my dad and the loss and everything leading up to his death and unresolved stuff?  Is it being a new mom?  Is it not drinking?  Is it normal to have this anger because the emotions have been dulled for so long and this is still so new?  If so, when does it stop?? What is wrong with me?  Through it all, no desire to drink...a little sober beam of light. But jeez, I need to calm down.  Do I analyze the why behind the anger or do I just let it roll and find healthy ways to release it because as they say, anger is normal and healthy?  Ugh.


  1. I used to get angry way too easily, or at least thought I "deserved" to be angry.
    I still can, but it's so much calmer.
    I have learned to examine the anger and decide what to so with it.

  2. Your insight really stuck with me, Wendy. I think that is a really appropriate way to describe a lot of the anger..feeling like I deserve to be angry. That really resonated with me because it is so true and so silly. Big time hugs to you and thank you.
