Tuesday, May 3, 2016

100th Post!

It hit me when I was standing in the kitchen: I have been pretty darn tootin' productive since I got sober.  It's weird to say that..."got sober".............am I sober?  I mean, I am.  No alcohol or mind-altering substance (besides caffeine) this entire time.  It's just that the word sober feels so official- not in a bad way, but...it sounds so accomplished and has a lot of weight behind it.  I feel so far from that.  It takes time to get there, I guess. And the only way to get there is one day at a time, of course.  But yeah, been pretty productive!  Still learning Spanish, keeping tidier, playing a bit more music than before, being a more present mom, keeping a bit more organized, reading a lot more, enjoying time with my husband, blogging, gardening, doing bereavement class, left social work school because it just wasn't the right fit for me, listening to my inner self more, going out for evening walks with my family when weather allows, exploring my heart and soul more, just generally LIVING more.  It is awesome.  I have 43 complete days and this is my 100th post.  Hope all are well, the newly sober and old-timers alike.


  1. And it only gets better!
    All those things you listed are what makes life a beautiful place to be.
    It's the simple, everyday, things.
    I have been making our bed everyday. It's such a simple thing, and yet, I never did it when I was drinking!

  2. That is so true, Wendy. It really is all about the small stuff. I am really enjoying life. It is tough sometimes, but it feels worth it. I am getting there.<3
