Saturday, May 21, 2016

So This is Real Life..

Hello out there. Lazing now after  such a big day. Not too much energy to share anything very significant. Just wanted to say I feel good. Glad to not be drinking. It ended up that nobody was drinking while we were at the bridal shower (except for one lone dude) and I didn't even have time to think it until pretty much right now. The high energy and emotional aspect of the day was very distracting and certainly would have led me to imbibe upon arriving home after getting our guy to sleep. Probably more than usual because of everything from today. Then sleep and feeling crummy tomorrow. I really do love my new normal. Removing alcohol from the equation has been so, so good. No more dependence on it. No more obsessing about it. I know I write about it but I really don't think about it much at all, and certainly not much in relation to wanting to drink. I still have urges, but they haven't been intense and definitely haven't been anything I would act on. Yes, this new normal is good. It feels like real life. Please let it continue.


  1. I think writing about it puts it in it's proper place. We may spend a few minutes writing down our thoughts and commenting on blogs but it frees us to go on with our day. I agree it seems we spend a lot of time on this, but like you, I really don't once I've dumped my thoughts online. It's very cathartic. Keep posting even if you don't have much to say. I'm listening!!

  2. Absolutely. Well-stated, HD. Thank you so much for your continued support. It has really added to me well-being and I really appreciate it!
