Friday, May 13, 2016

Future Cravings?

Sorry for the bummer post yesterday. It's important for me to post every day, even when I don't have much to say.  The many ebbs and flows of my moods.  Yikes.  Things are better today.  Watched a gray cat slink around my front yard this morning- he was so sweet and I felt like that was a good sign for the day.  I was coming home from a doctor's appointment earlier and had a vision of me drinking in the future, the mystical "one drink".  I had a yearning for it, but it's so funny because I have no desire to drink currently.  How can I have a future craving when I don't have a present one?  Weird.  Anyway, as UnTipsy Teacher says, I just find comfort in "not today".  Because I really have no desire today.  It's Friday and it isn't phasing me at all.  No biggie.  I just look forward to a great evening with my tiny man and my main man and my little lady (the dog).  I want to extend a Happy Friday to all and much support always from this corner of the world. :) <3