Sunday, May 22, 2016

It Has Not Been Easy!!!

Okay, I just published that previous post, and now I immediately regret saying it has been (relatively) "easy" getting sober.  That is the wrong word.  I should have said it has been EMPOWERING getting sober, and that feeling has made it easier to maintain not drinking.  I just feel better not drinking, so I keep not doing it.  It is the truth!  But earlier on, especially the first couple of weeks, it was HARD!  And I have come out the other side completely sober.  No slips, no secret drinks.  Here is a depressing admission: early on at one point I thought, well I might drink, and if I do, I'll just shut down my blog and go hide.  Easy as that.  Ridiculous!  Now I can honestly say, the last thing I want to do is hide if something like that happens.  The reality of the difficulty of stopping and maintaining stopping is intense.  The vulnerability it takes to share when you have urges, share when you are feeling weak, and share when you fall or cave in- this is all a part of life and to be honored and absolutely can be related to be others.  I know when I have read about other people's relapses or cravings, or heard about them in person at a meeting, it doesn't make me feel badly about them or judge them AT ALL.  It is absolutely the opposite.  So yeah, maybe it was a little pink cloud talking.  I do not want to minimize the work it has been to maintain not drinking- it has been real, honest-to-God WORK!  But such good work!  Such valid and important work.  Must maintain it.  Much, much love to all.  Sorry for all the caps, by the way!


  1. I understand what you mean. While I'm glad I haven't slipped, that success is due, in part, to reading about others who have. Reading about their struggles is heartbreaking but they are helping us with every post. What I'm learning from them is assisting me with not slipping. I agree, if I slip or if I make a choice to drink I will post it. The support is there for however we need it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. PS..I just experimented and figured out my duplicating issue. If I go "backwards" it duplicates. If I exit out completely and come back in, it doesn't.....hmmm...

  4. I completely agree with everything you have written. I love how you say the support is there for however we need it- that is a beautiful and accurate sentiment. Very well done on your sleuthing about the double comments! Oh yeah..and HAPPY DAY 30 HD!! :)<3
