Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 30

It is Day 30 today!  I have a long way to go but it's definitely an accomplishment.  The past 30 days have been really interesting.  Here is a summary of what has gone down:

- Realized it was time to stop drinking because I had a dysfunctional relationship with alcohol
- Consumed no alcohol beginning 3/21/2016
- Encountered some cravings here and there
- Had a really difficult night that caused me to want to drink but I did not; determined the biggest trigger for me is my grief
- Read Lotta Dann's "Mrs. D is Going Without", Jason Vale's "Kick the Drink...Easily", and Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Drinking" within the first couple of weeks and gained a lot from each of them
- Started reading some really fantastic and honest sober blogs
- Attended 3 different AA meetings, the most recent of which was a great women's meeting that I would return to
- Began delving into my history of drinking and contemplating the how and why of my substance usage
- Began really thinking critically about alcohol in general and seeing it in a new light as an unnecessary part of life
- Started this blog and have written in it every day, sometimes multiple times a day; have found it to be a really effective release and outlet
- Joined Living Sober in order to participate in the online community there; it has been awesome so far
- Began reading the Big Book
- Lived the past 30 days alcohol free!

I am really happy today. Going to celebrate with some quality time with my family!  Much support going out to all celebrating their Day 30 today!


  1. This is a wonderful post!
    Being brutally honest about my drinking was the cornerstone for me to getting sober, and helps keep me sober.
    I have learned to say, "never say never" when it comes to what I must do to keep my sobriety.
    Happy 30 Days!!!

  2. I like that concept a lot- never say never. It has helped to have an open mind. I am serious about this, the drinking was serious, and as such, need to stop in a serious way. I want to make it. You are an awesome inspiration, Wendy! <3
