Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Moving Forward

In thinking about this being my 30th day without alcohol, I wanted to make a list of things I'm concerned about and want to focus on while going forward...

- Maintaining my sobriety for the next 30 days (duh!); I think it's good to have this smaller goal while also recognizing that I just don't want to drink at all ever again.  Seeing the small picture and the big picture together seems to be working for me.

- What to expect in these next 30 days?...I have read that more introspection is common, maybe cravings that are less intense.  Should look that up..

- Continuing to deal with my grief, and recognizing that as the 1st year anniversary of my father's death approaches, things are going to be really hard.

- Have not had many social occasions with our friends and this may come up soon; must be prepared for visits to a bar or restaurant- hopefully it won't be a big deal!  Our friends are cool.

- Attend another women's AA meeting and continue reading the Big Book.  No idea if AA is right for me but I am trying to be as open as possible to all methods of quitting drinking.

Might add more to this later.  Really beautiful outside today.


  1. I now understand that just stopping drinking wasn't enough.
    I needed to grow in all areas of my life!
    You will too!!
    Happy Sunshine Day!!
    We had rain, but we need it!

  2. Thank you so much for your continued support, Wendy. You rule! :)
