Thursday, April 21, 2016

I Told My Buddy

I spoke with a really dear friend of mine last night and I told her I'd stopped drinking. This was kind of major for me.  She is the first person I've told beyond my husband.  I was pretty upfront with my reasons- not brutally honest about every detail, but basically said I had been drinking too much for too long and I was ready to stop.  She was awesome about it as she is about pretty much everything.  She's a good gal.  Lucky as hell to have her in my life.  Just thought I'd share.  Baby steps!  I want to share with my mom, but I'm not there yet.  No desire to drink by the way.


  1. So glad you told a supportive person.
    I think it's important to be sure to share your story with people who are safe.
    Even though I told a lot of people, I made sure these people were not going to use the information against me!
    Big Hugs!!

  2. Hi Wendy! Big hugs to you! Yeah, she is an awesome friend. Can you tell me what you mean by people using the info against you? I appreciate the insight. <3
